Straight to the heart of innovation

Lenze Solutions: This is what engineering freedom feels like

Are you looking for an innovative partner for future-proof solutions? You have found one here!

With Lenze at your side, you are well-equipped to deal with challenges today and in the future. Sound mechatronics, innovative automation solutions and digital services: Our strategic orientation means your success story is guaranteed.

We are one of the few providers active in the market who are alongside you for the entire development process of your machine - from initial ideas all the way to after-sales, from the control system all the way to the drive shaft. We take a holistic view of the individual motion and control functions and draw up consistent end-to-end drive and automation solutions for you.

And you can rely on our sales and engineering experts to get it exactly right here. These experts are highly skilled in exploring your machine concepts and are capable of understanding even the finest of details. Working together, we ensure that your innovations are reliably taken all the way to market maturity.

This is what gives you the necessary freedom to implement your ideas.
