Lenze in Lithuania

Customers from Baltic countries get service consultation by phone in Lithuania and in Latvia (see contact details below).

In case of breakdowns outside normal business hours you can contact us on our 24 hours service number (see contact details below) or you can dial our international phone helpline from anywhere in the world.

Company profile

Lenze UAB was founded in 2001 as part of the Lenze Group. In 2007 Lenze opened another sales office in Latvia.

Our sales team and service engineers with profound experience in industry and application knowledge are always ready to support you. From our local logistics center established in Kaunas we can fast deliver standard Lenze products and customize them to suit your needs, when you need them in the shortest time possible.

In May 2015 Lenze UAB relocated to new office building at Chemijos Str. 19A, 51332 Kaunas.


Tobiasz Witor 
Managing Director (EN, PL) 
+48 604 931 237 

Our team in Lithuania

Gediminas ?e?tokas
Head of Sales / Head of Operations (LT, EN, RUS
+370 37 367906
+370 615 55623


Rimantas ?e?lauskas
Sales Manager (LT, EN, RUS)
+370 37 367949
+370 656 72006

Matas Grubinskas
Sales Manager (LT, EN )
+370 37 407174
+370 650 16550

?arūnas ?ilkaitis
Sales Manager (LT, EN)
+370 37 367948
+370 686 35175

Vytautas Ul?ickas
Application Engineer / Chief Engineer (LT, RUS, EN)
+370 37 367954
+370 614 18301

Martynas Bena?as
Application and Service (LT, EN, RU)
+370 655 91680



Egl? Zanevi?iūt?
Accountant / Finance and Administrations Manager (LT, RUS, EN)
+370 37 367953

Jevgenijs Ivanovs
Sales Latvia (LV, EN, RU)
+371220 11309

Our contacts at a glance


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