Tool for easy cam profile generation from graphical profile characteristics.
System requirements
Microsoft? XP Professional (32 Bit) as of SP3 / Windows? 7 / Windows? 8
IBM-compatible PC with Intel Pentium 333 processor
128 MB RAM
250 MB free hard disk capacity
Min. screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels with 256 displayable colours
Pointer device (mouse, track ball, etc.)
Free slots/interfaces according to the requirements of the fieldbus connection module used (e.g. USB slot for EMF2177IB)
For information on function extensions compared to V3.1 and fault eliminations, please see the Difference list.
The installation program can be used for different installations:
The full functional range of the Cam Designer can be used free of charge. During installation, the license number specified under 'Software Installation' must be entered.
Software installation
How to install Cam Designer Professional V3.2
Unpack the zip file into an optional directory on your PC.
Exit Cam Designer Professional, if already started.
Start the setup.exe file and follow the installation instructions.
Enter the following license number: 20300-112441-4780918