Prově?íme Vá? stroj jako pod lupou. Sv?j stroj znáte p?esně. Spole?ně ho den za dnem poznáme je?tě lépe a vytvo?íme základ pro vhodná opat?ení.
Tak nap?íklad odhalujeme potenciál pro úsporu energie, slabiny nebo rizika a objevujeme cenné v?konové rezervy. Jedno je jisté: Vá? stroj je u nás v nejlep?ích rukou.
U nás ve zku?ebně provedeme:
- prohlídku elektronick?ch a elektromechanick?ch pohonn?ch a ?ídicích prvk? p?i zvlá?tním zohlednění klí?ov?ch komponent? kritick?ch z hlediska funkce
- kontrolu dimenzování pohon? a jejich energetické ú?innosti
- inventarizaci stávajícího stroje
Inventory taking
Recording and documentation of components, such as the controllers, inverters, gearboxes, motors
The first step of the inspection is to take an inventory. We gain an overview for you, showing which drive components are installed where and what opportunities there are for procuring replacement parts.
Your advantages:
- Detailed overview of the drive technology installed
- Process of procuring replacement parts is simplified
- Faster response time when servicing is required
- Lower costs and less unscheduled downtime
- Sound basis for customized, further-reaching service concepts, e.g. a machine analysis
- Overview of necessary adaptations to currently available products
- Overview of delivery capacity of the installed Lenze drive components as well as successor products
How we do this:
- Qualified stocktaking of all technical drive components by our Lenze qualified personnel
- Compilation of a detailed list of components for the drive technology installed
- Read-out of parameters
- Read-out of error memory
- Image documentation
- On-site visual assessment and status classification by a Lenze Service team
- Delivery of all relevant data in digital form
- Optional: recommendation of maintenance cycles
- Creation of an emergency/stockpiling plan
Machine analysis
Determination and evaluation of the condition of the installed components
Our Lenze experts offer you a profound insight into the current status of your system and a medium-term outlook. This provides an excellent starting point for taking preventative action to prevent standstills and can significantly improve the level of responsiveness in the event of an emergency.
Your advantages:
- Clear information throughout the current status of the drive technology installed
- Analysis of the risks and weak points relating to:
- the availability of the system
- the factor influencing costs in the system
- Optional: recommended actions to reduce downtimes
- Performance reserves highlighted
- Reduced variants in the product range lead to improved responsiveness in the event of a standstilll
- Optimize or extend the life cycle of the machine
How we do this:
- Status monitoring of the drive and automation components installed
- Data backup for all the Lenze drive systems installed, to make sure they are up and running again as quickly as possible after downtime
- Identification and analysis of errors; recommendations for remedial action
- Detailed system report including analysis results
- Interpretation of results
- Preventative measures
- Recommended actions
- Checking and updating of the existing stocks
- Free disposal of redundant drives